The Rain Has Come
Well, the old adage is true, “Be careful what you ask for.” We have needed rain for a long while. We have had just enough to help the Hay grow but not enough to really get a great cutting. It has grown and with a few nice rains has started to fill out, then yesterday came. We had a lot of rain and the hay has begun to lay down. We are thankful but it would have been nice to have it a month ago. All that being said, we also needed rain to set the concrete on the poles for the new building. Praise God I am sure they are now set!
It will be a day or so before we can get back to the arena or to get someone here for the plumbing. In His timing it will all be completed. I will keep you in touch. Maybe I can work on the wall skirt wrap? And there is always things to work on inside the Barn.