Somber Celebration

Today is the day we celebrate our Nation’s Independence. So, I want to take a couple moments to honor and celebrate all those who have paid the price so we can live in this Nation. So many lives over the years have continued to believe past the discomfort of obstacles in front of us.

As I ponder the the generation of time past, the grit and determination it took to make what we have today from 1493 to present is astounding. While 1776 is our focal point of celebration, so much more surrounds why we should pause to be thankful, grateful, honoring, respectful and humbled for the journey we get to take a day off from work.

As you celebrate, be excited for the freedom you get to express but also take a moment to give space of reflective realization of what it took to give us this day. I do not want to diminish the fun, silly times and family collaboration but I just encourage all of us to give space to those who made this possible.

I thank the Lord we are free, I thank the Lord for each of you, with respect and appreciation I reflect and I pause to experience both emotions. may today draw you closer to those you love and to the identity of what has made us a great nation.

The last week has flown! I needed some medical care on my back and I was sidelined for a few days. As the week rolled on I started digging into different smaller tasks; making sure to not over do it.

Well, it is time to jump back into the building and development process of PMR. It seems as though new things are popping up to be accomplished or at least I slowed down enough to gain the bigger picture. Obviously the carriage house still needs to be finished but our nine little chickens have grown up and are about ready to start laying eggs which means we need a bigger home for them to nest in. On the bigger animal side, I really need to get a better sheltering for Riella in the field and another shelter for the cattle which will be on the property year around.

As I had some downtime and was able to look around the property, I realized how many buildings need to be painted and just tidied up or finished. I guess sometimes taking a pause helps you realize where you have been but also the adventure that lies ahead.

Well, the work continues and I will be bringing you all along for the journey.


Windows And One Door Are In


Time For A Pause